The Voice of Dalits in Nepal

Dalit Vactimized Caste Discrimination

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Dalit Victimized Caste Discrimination

SLC hopeful evicted for being dalit
BHARATPUR, March 13 - Binod Pariyar of Bulingtar-9, Nawalparasi, a 10th grader who has come here to take the SLC exams--starting from March 27-- is without lodgings for the last two weeks, ever since the landlord evicted him on discovering he was a dalit. "I don't know how I can sit for the exams. No one here is ready to rent rooms to a dalit," said Pariyar talking to reporters at Narayangadh on Monday. As his major concerns now are shelter and food, he says that he has not been able to prepare for the exams.
He was forced to leave the house of one Salikram Kharel in Gaidakot-5, where he had rented a room since February 11. "I was barely there for 14 days," he said crying. Pariyar, who gave his send-up exams from Tribhuvan Higher Secondary School in his village, has his SLC examination center in Janak Higher Secondary School in Gaidakot.


At 1:45 AM, Blogger The Voice of Dalits in Nepal said...

Caste Discrimination should be eradicated totally.


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